This is the illustration I am working on, based on my own novel.
Extract from the novel in Chinese
黎希望著映照在窗外飛逝的森林之上,自己那淡薄的倒影,瘦骨嶙峋、臉頰凹陷,垂下雙頰的淡色髮絲猶如枯草,一雙棕灰的眼,儼然是張陌生面貌。他從來沒有那麼清楚地看過自己的面目,那潔淨使他感到裸露、脆弱、不習慣。他伸手碰觸那冰冷的玻璃,彷彿這樣就能觸及那陌生的自己。在過去,他的臉總是蓋著塵土污垢,頭髮糾結雜亂,衣著破爛不整,就像是套完美的偽裝,使他的存在好似空氣。有時,甚至連他都遺忘了自己可悲的存在。I use Photoshop and the mini Intuos3.
Here we go the progress:
1 - some colour sketch

3 - a bit of outline



7 - paint an eye

9- paint another eye



12 - define the mouth a little


14- some highlights, just for motivation

16 - do the curves

17- hair

18 - I believe I did something to the jaw

19 - here we go hand-painted hair

20 - I liquified the nose

21 - I did something to the jaw again

22- little adjustments

23 - 1 min bush sketch + one whole night on eyelashes that can't be seen on this resol.

25 - lights......

27 - detail adjustments & colour adjustments